Webcomics and Stories

Some of the best and most enjoyable stories I am enjoying right now are webcomics. Granted, I eagerly await the printed books when they finally release, but it is also great fun to weekly get to see the story develop rather than having nothing for months or years.

My favourites right now are:

The Silver Eye by Laura Hollingsworth. You can read it here. It is an original fantasy “about a wealthy orphan and a vagrant king who have to unite to stop an out-of-control conqueror. The comic began in 2009 and had been plotted from start to finish.

The Valiard Mansion by Ezelle Van Der Heever. It is “an ongoing illustrated novel set in 1888. It tells the story of two childhood sweethearts separated by a vengeful ghost.

1001 by Sanya. It is a remimagining of the One Thousand and One Arabian Nights!