“Martha Washington often recalled the two saddest days of her life. The first was December 14, 1799 when her husband died. The second was in January 1801 when Thomas Jefferson visited Mount Vernon. As a close friend explained, “She assured a party of gentlemen, of which I was one…that next to the loss of her husband” Jefferson’s visit was the “most painful occurrence of her life.”


‘Japanese Schindler’ Who Saved 6,000 Lives During World War II Finally Gets A Movie



So you know how I’ve frequently said that there needed to be a movie about Chiune Sugihara? Well, there is one now. About time.

“Chiune Sugihara was a Japanese diplomat who was stationed at a consulate in Kaunas, Lithuania during the early days of World War II. Between July 31 and August 28, 1940, Sugihara and his wife spent long nights writing and issuing more than 2,000 visas for Jewish refugees desperate to flee the Nazis and build new lives in Japan – even though his actions defied the Japanese government’s orders. “

‘Japanese Schindler’ Who Saved 6,000 Lives During World War II Finally Gets A Movie


i’m so happy for them

Did I ever tell you guys that I’m personally barred from entering an entire region in Scotland







And it’s not just a small town. 

I’m forever banned from stepping foot on what is virtually 1/5th of Scotland’s landmass. 

For those of you wondering, it involved my disgruntled ancestor, the modern day equivalent of a 5 dollar refund, angry townspeople, and a ban on my entire bloodline until the end of time.

I really want to hear this story

If this gets to a hundred notes, I’ll give you more details. 

Alright, gather around. So way way back in the 1700′s, my respectable relative decided that they wanted to go traveling. Their crops had come in on time, they weren’t dying of tuberculosis, and, for once, the English weren’t trying to kill them. So, naturally, they ventured South to a small village in the Hebrides for a nice ‘tropical’ vacation. Upon reaching said village, they came across an inn. 

Now, the Scottish, being the wild party animals that they are, were having a dance that night. This dance must have looked like a lot of fun, because my relative in question decided to pay a modest fee of what would be 5 dollars in today’s world to get in. Everything was going great, until 10 minutes later, the inn decided to close for the night. My dude was NOT having it. They demanded a refund, but the innkeeper said no. 

Shenanigans promptly ensued. They wanted their 5 dollars, and by God, THEY WOULD GET IT. Unfortunately, there was a no refund policy. I don’t know what was worse, the fact that they were robbed of 5 bucks, or that they were thrown so violently off their groove. I will never know what really happened next that night that was so bad, so awful, so absolutely mortifying that it warranted exile, but one can’t help but imagine. Was it murder? Heresy? A combination of both?

In the end, the townspeople chased them off, banished them, and cursed their very name. If they, or any of their children, or their children’s children’s children decided to step foot back on that island, there would be goddamn hell to pay. 

If I could choose to travel back in time to any one place, it would be this very same event. I mean, I have questions. Did my ancestor kick ass and take names, or did they get their ass kicked? What else would they do for 5 dollars? Was wreaking havoc on a small town and forever shaming the family name worth it? Was it honestly worth the 5 fricking dollars?

If I were you I would try to go to that island and see if that ban is still even relevant


this are so precious.. little muffins ❤




Scottish sculptor Rob Mulholland
creates creepy mirrored sculptures
out of acrylic glass that makes
them blend into their surroundings
until your perspective shifts and
they suddenly catch your eye. Source Source 2

imagine getting lost in the woods and coming across these

on a scale of 1-10 how ready for death would you be

i didn’t know chaotic evil looked like someone’s dad from north dakota




Chynara Madinkulova (long hair) and Aida Akmatova (bun) compete in the “Traditional Archery” category at the World Nomad games in Kyrgyzstan, which concluded last week.

Said games also include eagle hunting, horseback wrestling, and setting people on fire. Also this game where you chuck javelins at people to knock them off their horse.

Clearly the Olympics needs to step it up.

I’m sorry did you say setting people on fire?

Yes. Yes I did.

It’s called Oert Jalymdagan Chabandes. It’s on a stamp.

We live in a weird, wonderful world, Tumblr.